Top 10 Sustainable Activities to Enjoy with Your Little One

Our children are the future of our wonderful and precious planet. So, as parents, we must do our best to teach them how to love and protect it as best they can. Of course, we all know that it isn’t the easiest to keep little ones engaged – even at the best of times.
However, there are plenty of fun ways of introducing our little ones - even when they are still in diapers - to sustainable living. From creating a ruckus with homemade instruments to making a splash in your own backyard, the options are endless!
Check out our list of top 10 sustainable activities below and feel inspired today.
Top 10 Sustainable Activities for Babies:
1. Let babies be babies!
Play is an essential part of being a baby! Indeed, it is through play that babies develop language, social, and intellectual skills. It even helps to build their self-worth by giving them a sense of their own abilities and the opportunity to express their creativity and independence.
A great way to help your baby learn how to live sustainably, is to invest in sustainable toys. Sustainable toys such as these Gentili Stones are a perfect way for your child to enjoy moments of calm and play away from screens, develop their logic, motor skills and creativity.
Through interacting with handcrafted sustainable toys, our kids also learn how to live sustainably and love our planet with the care and love it deserves.
2. Play outdoors!
What better way to instil a love of nature in our kids than by encouraging them to play outdoors? Not only will the exercise and fresh air do them good, but they will be able to observe nature in action!
From spotting newts in the garden to seeing all different species of birds high up in the trees for the first time, they will learn how to respect nature and live in harmony with it.
3. Get creative!
Here at Petite Comporta, we just love anything that promotes creativity, especially if it is sustainable! So, the next time you are wondering what sustainable activity to do with your child, why not grab some colouring pencils, used paper towel rolls, old newspapers, and whatever else you can get your hands on that looks like it could be both safe and fun for your baby to play with, and discover whether either of you is the next undiscovered Picasso!
4. Gift it!
Have you ever let your baby play with wrapping paper before? In case you didn’t know, they absolutely love it!
So, why not turn those empty Amazon boxes you’ve got lying around along with your leftover wrapping after Christmas into presents they can gleefully rip open. Indeed, they will love the sound of the ripping just as much as building impenetrable forts and stacks.
5. Tell a sustainable story!
Kill two birds with one stone and teach your child how to live sustainably and love reading by taking a few moments out of your day to read them a book which promotes sustainability.
From how to save the planet to how to reuse and recycle, there are so many incredible sustainable stories out there for you to share with them.
Even better yet, the colourful illustrations and new vocabulary will help their development and hopefully, make reading, along with living sustainably, a habit they stick to for life!
6. Have a dance party!
Feeling bored and stuck inside? Why not stick on some tunes and throw a dance party! Simple pleasures such as these cost the Earth absolutely nothing and offer you both limitless rewards.
From helping you to blow off some steam to boosting your endorphins, sometimes a dance party for two is all you need!
7. Make a splash!
Does your baby love splashing around during bath time? If so, that’s great news! In fact, did you know that water play is great for your child’s development. Not only does it help them to develop hand-eye coordination, but it also improves their concentration and communication skills.
So, the next time you are looking for a sustainable activity to do, why not fill a plastic tub with some water and sustainable toys for your baby to make a splash in. Just remember to never leave your baby unattended and only put in as much water as you’re willing to clean up!
8. Baby yoga
Baby yoga’s mindful approach to exercise and living combined with its low impact on the environment makes it a fantastic sustainable activity for both you and your baby to enjoy regularly.
Not only that but baby yoga can enhance communication between you and your child, heal any birth trauma, and help you both cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm.
9. Make noise!
If raucous fun is more your baby’s thing, then why not grab some pots and pans out of the cupboard, hand them a wooden spoon, and let them go wild! You could even make some basic handmade instruments such as a rice shaker or balloon shaker to increase the fun.
Indeed, playing instruments – especially the homemade ones! - will both help your baby’s sensory development and the sustainability of our planet.
10. String Along
Transform any toy into a brand new one by simply wrapping a string or shoelace around it. What was once a forgotten, cast aside toy is now a speedy mobile race car or new pet or even just a bit of fun!
Indeed, your baby will have hours of fun with their new buddy, and it will have cost neither you nor the planet a dime!
At Petite Comporta our desire and mission is to curate quality baby clothing, lifestyle items and accessories with a clear point of difference and origin.
We heartedly believe local and little is the new future, we therefore aim not to overstock and we recollect only according to orders. Choose wisely, buy beautifully, love Nature.
Browse our collection of handcrafted sustainable toys designed for beautiful and educational playtime to help your baby live sustainably.